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July 2024 Nurse of the Month

Name: Lisa Donia Pope, RN, BSN Specialty : Medical/Surgical/Telemetry Number of assignments : 2 Number of years with Fastaff: 1 yr 6 mos Why do you love working with Fastaff? I love working with Fastaff because it offers a variety of travel options to different locations. The organization uses its platform to give its employees the ability to have choices, which is important when you are a traveling healthcare provider. What do you love about nursing? Working as a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry healthcare professional allows me to care for patients who need different services. I get to care for those with health challenges who require specialized care and provide them with the most needed care. I love my specialty because every day is different, so I may make a difference in my patients' lives. What makes travel nursing rewarding for you? Traveling is rewarding because I get to experience different people and places. Interacting with different cultures and atmospheres allows me to grow as a professional and enhances my skills in providing great healthcare services to others. Tell me about a time when you felt more valuable/respected because of the experience and knowledge you gained from your Fastaff assignment. I feel valuable and respected by the patients who are thankful for my services. When approached by others who ask how I like being a traveler, I let them know that it’s fulfilling and allows me to learn and grow to be a better nurse daily. Fastaff allows nurses to be better at their jobs. What has been your most challenging Fastaff assignment and how did you feel that impacted your worth as a nurse afterward? My most challenging Fastaff assignment is having to leave and go on when I have felt a need to stay. Leaving patients that I will never see progress and thrive through their health challenges. This has impacted my worth in my profession afterward by keeping me positive and grounded. It has encouraged me to learn more and continue to give my all despite not seeing the results of my efforts. Describe the most miraculous or impressive thing you’ve witnessed or been a part of during your time as a nurse with Fastaff. The most impressive thing that I have witnessed is that the patients that I care for keep uplifting and have a positive approach despite the debilitating and life-changing diagnosis that they are experiencing. It has changed my outlook on life and allowed me to see that despite adversities, we can overcome them and teach others. Caring for burn patients, cancer patients, patients with uncurable diseases, and health disparities has shown me how to see the world differently. How have you accomplished some of your personal and professional goals by traveling with Fastaff? I have accomplished personal and professional goals through traveling with Fastaff, having the flexibility of assignments, and being able to return to school to pursue further education. Fastaff gives nurses a chance to pause and return to work to pursue their dreams, which has been essential in fulfilling goals in our lives.

Name: Megan Morin Specialty : ICU Number of assignments : 2 Number of years with Fastaff: 3 yr 1. Why do you love working with Fastaff? Because they get me out fast and Savoi ALWAYS take care of me-- even when things aren’t perfect--- I know I can count on her 2. What do you love about nursing? I love the fast pace and helping people get better-- in any aspect of that statement. 3. What makes travel nursing rewarding for you? The freedom to go wherever I want, the ability to not be trapped anywhere for very long and -- the money. 4. Tell me about a time when you felt more valuable/respected because of the experience and knowledge you gained from your Fastaff assignment. During COVID -- there was alot of new experiences-- 5. What has been your most challenging Fastaff assignment and how did you feel that impacted your worth as a nurse afterward? My assignment in Idaho-- it was 60hrs/week -- big money-- hard long nights…emotionally hard as well. We were putting 6-8 ppl in body bags a night. We did team nursing-- everyone there was a traveler and-- it really honed my teamwork skills. 6. Describe the most miraculous or impressive thing you’ve witnessed or been a part of during your time as a nurse with Fastaff. I got the chance to drive cross country with my husband and see sooo many sites--- my favorite was the Badlands!! and Wall Drug Store!! 7. How have you accomplished some of your personal and professional goals by traveling with Fastaff? I get all the experience-- I can ask for-- and-- can pay for school, etc

Trustaff is dedicated to supporting the mental health of our healthcare professionals, and June marks Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the mental health challenges faced by men and promote the importance of mental well-being. Despite the growing conversation around mental health, there remains a significant stigma, particularly among men, who often feel pressured to conform to societal expectations of strength and resilience. The Importance of Men's Mental Health Awareness Men's mental health is a critical issue that requires attention. Studies have shown that men are less likely to seek help for mental health issues due to stigma and cultural expectations. This reluctance can lead to severe consequences, including untreated depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Raising awareness helps to break down these barriers and encourages men to prioritize their mental health. Key Statistics on Men's Mental Health Suicide Rates : Men are nearly four times more likely to die by suicide than women, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue. Depression : Approximately 6 million men in the United States suffer from depression each year, yet many do not seek treatment. Substance Abuse : Men are more likely to use and die from substance abuse, often as a coping mechanism for underlying mental health issues. Help-Seeking Behavior : Only 36% of psychological therapy patients are men, indicating a significant gap in mental health care utilization. Recommendations for Supporting Men's Mental Health Foster Open Conversations : Creating a safe space for men to talk about their feelings without judgment is crucial. Open conversations can help reduce stigma and promote understanding. Promote Mental Health Education : Providing information about the signs and symptoms of mental health issues can empower men to recognize when they need help and seek it promptly. Build Support Networks : Encourage men to build and maintain strong support networks. Friends, family, and community groups can offer valuable emotional support. Seek Professional Help : Advocate for seeking professional help when needed. Therapists, counselors and mental health professionals can provide the necessary support and treatment. Adopt Healthy Lifestyle Choices : Promoting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet and adequate sleep, can significantly improve mental health. Trustaff's Commitment to Mental Health Support Trustaff understands the importance of mental health support. Through the Ingenovis Health ACT (Advocacy, Career, and Tools) program , we offer a range of resources designed to support the mental well-being of healthcare professionals, including access to mental health tools and resources that can make a significant difference. Let’s take the opportunity to prioritize men's mental health, support those who are struggling and work towards a society where everyone feels comfortable seeking the help they need. Trustaff is here to support our healthcare professionals every step of the way.

As a frontline travel nurse, the summer season can present unique challenges and opportunities. During the summer, it can be tough to stay focused when all you can think about is having fun in the sun. However, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the season while fulfilling your crucial role on the front lines. Balancing your demanding role with self-care and adventure is key to making the most of this vibrant time of year. Here are some practical tips to help you thrive this summer: 1. Stay Hydrated and Nourished Summer heat can be intense, especially if you’re moving between different climates. Here are some hydration and nutrition tips: - Drink plenty of water: Aim for at least 8-10 glasses a day. Consider carrying a refillable water bottle with you. - Eat water-rich foods: Incorporate fruits like watermelon, oranges, and strawberries, as well as vegetables like cucumbers and lettuce into your diet. - Balanced meals: Ensure your meals include a good mix of proteins, carbs, and fats to maintain energy levels. 2. Sun Protection Spending time outdoors, whether commuting or enjoying leisure activities, requires proper sun protection: - Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher. Reapply every two hours if you’re outside. - Protective Clothing: Wear hats, sunglasses, and light, long-sleeved clothing to protect your skin. - Seek Shade: Whenever possible, find shaded areas to reduce direct sun exposure. 3. Plan Your Travel and Accommodations Being a travel nurse often means moving frequently. To make this easier: - Research Locations: Understand the climate and local attractions of your assignment location. - Housing Options: Look for accommodations that are close to your workplace and have good reviews regarding safety and amenities. - Packing Tips: Pack versatile clothing suitable for both your work environment and outdoor summer activities. 4. Stay Active and Fit Keeping physically active can enhance your mood and energy levels: - Exercise Routine: Incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Local parks and gyms can be great resources. - Outdoor Activities: Take advantage of summer weather by hiking, swimming, or cycling in your free time. - Yoga and Stretching: These can help relieve stress and muscle tension from long shifts. 5. Mental Health and Relaxation Balancing work and relaxation is crucial for mental well-being: - Mindfulness and Meditation : Daily meditation or mindfulness exercises can help you stay grounded and reduce stress. - Hobbies and Interests : Pursue hobbies that you enjoy, whether reading, cooking, or exploring new places. - Rest and Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep. A consistent sleep schedule can significantly improve your overall well-being. 6. Professional Development Use the summer to advance your skills and career: - Continuing Education : Enroll in online courses or workshops that interest you. Also, take assignments at new facilities to further your experience. Fastaff has new assignments daily for frontline nurses. - Networking: Attend local healthcare events or join professional groups to meet other travel nurses. - Reflect and Set Goals: Take some time to reflect on your career goals and set new objectives for your personal and professional growth. 7. Leverage Technology Utilize apps and tools to make your life easier: - Health Apps: As a travel nurse, utilizing general health apps can significantly enhance your well-being and efficiency. By integrating these apps into your daily routine, you can better manage your physical and mental health, ultimately improving your overall job performance and quality of life. - Professional Apps: The Ingenovis Health app is a valuable tool for travel nurses, offering a seamless way to manage your schedule and discover new assignments. By using the app, you can easily track your work hours, set reminders for shifts, and access detailed job descriptions. Additionally, it provides a platform to search for and apply to new assignments that match your preferences and expertise. 8. Stay Connected with Loved Ones Maintaining strong connections with family and friends is important for emotional support: - Regular Communication: Schedule regular calls or video chats. - Share Your Experiences: Keep a blog or social media account to share your adventures and stay connected with your support network. By following these tips, you can ensure a fulfilling and balanced summer, both professionally and personally. Remember, as a travel nurse, you have the unique opportunity to combine your passion for healthcare with the adventure of exploring new places. Make the most of it!

Name : Toni Gillespie Specialty : Med/Surg Tele; ER Number of assignments : 18 Number of years with Fastaff : 21 years 1. Why do you love working with Fastaff? I love working and continue to come back to Fastaff because of my recruiters, the pay, and the fact that they reimburse for license and recertification’s. 2. What do you love about nursing? I love working with clients/patients in general. I love teaching and being able to have time to spend with my patients individually. I am an ER nurse too – I really miss working there – the adrenaline of it all - Helping someone make it back home to their loved ones. 3. What makes travel nursing rewarding for you? The rewarding part of traveling is the different locations and adventures that come with it. Meeting new people that become lifelong friends and of course, depending on locations – the food. Also, because I travel for work. I also travel for personal/play time all over the world. 4. Tell me about a time when you felt more valuable/respected because of the experience and knowledge you gained from your Fastaff assignment. I guess this would be when taking care of my patients and I get or receive their acknowledgement of what a great nurse I am. The appreciation from my patients means everything in this day and time when everyone is easy to anger or saddened by their circumstance. That thank you goes a long way. As far as the staff/co-workers, when they acknowledge and respect your experience and know that you are there to help, however needed. And then they acknowledge you. Well, that’s the cherry on top of the ice cream you saved for last. 5. What has been your most challenging Fastaff assignment and how did you feel that impacted your worth as a nurse afterward? My most challenging Fastaff assignment was during COVID. My grandson at 2 months had just had his 2nd open heart surgery and I had been sick but hiding it from others so that I keep working just in case something fell down the drain. Well, I fell down the drain. The stress took a hold of me. I was barely hanging on emotionally, mentally, and physically. My body just broke and I was out of work for 5 months for emergency surgery, not expected. I could no longer help anyone, not even myself, which is why it is important to take care of yourself first because unless you do that, you are no good for anyone else. 6. Describe the most miraculous or impressive thing you’ve witnessed or been a part of during your time as a nurse with Fastaff. The most miraculous thing I can say being a part of Fastaff is I went from being a Med/Surg Tele nurse to a level 1 ER nurse in 4 hours and never looked back in the 17 years I did it. Fastaff truly changed my life and my specialty. 7. How have you accomplished some of your personal and professional goals by traveling with Fastaff? I have many accomplishments: I can provide for myself, travel the world, meet new friends, and work with some great people, I was able to move into a specialty that I absolutely loved until my body said, that’s enough. I’ve been with Fastaff since the beginning of my travel career - 21 years and they have been here for me.

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